MAJESTIC NOZUL SUPPORT SERVICES. is committed to strive to be the best to Provide Catering Services to Residential & Industrial Compounds Complying with, or if possible exceeding, the current (and if applicable any in the future foreseen) standards, demands and expectations of customers and government regarding Food Safety, Security, Health, Environment & Food Safety aspects.
Undertaking our activities goes along with high responsibility, competency and professionalism, so in order to realize our commitment and maintain our leadership position in this business we’ve established a structure that includes all the organization’s activities and describes the processes including the aspects of Food Safety, Food Safety and Environment
Our policy is established on the following items:
- We operate our workplaces to comply with Food Safety, Security, Health, Environment & Food Safety applicable local and global regulations, and with the policies of our group using best practice as a guideline.
- We’ll ensure that the risk associated with our activities and services to employees and other interested parties, surroundings and the information and goods entrusted to us are known and controlled in a responsible manner.
- We’ll maintain the best possible Food Safety and Environmental performance, and in order to achieve this Standard, prevent illnesses.
- We’ll establish, implement and maintain a framework to measure our FSMS objectives and targets and to ensure the continual improvement of our FSMS program and Documented Management System.
- We will review our policy periodically to ensure its adequacy and suitability and we’ll communicate this policy to all employees and interested parties.
- We believe that our employees are our greatest asset and its part of our policy to ensure that everyone is aware of his vital role for the continual development of their welfare within our company by participating in our periodic scheduled training programs.
- We expect in return that ever employee performs his tasks in a safe and responsible manner and the organization will do its utmost best to provide the necessary means for protection. Employees, stake holders, neighbors and those who work with us are encouraged to participate and discuss concerns in a transparent way and to take part in the continuous improvement programs through the available communication methods.
General Manager
Food Safety Policy
First Issue: 26 – Nov – 2015
As a branch of MMAH co, “Majestic Nozul Support Services” is established as a professional independent entity specialized in managing all residences facilities, providing satisfactory catering & complete support services to remote industrial projects and camp residents on a professional basis.
Our objective is to provide safe products & services to our customers (& workforces) to achieve a maximum satisfaction which will lead to targeted development to nurture the workforce in propelling our sensitive operations to yield creativity and involvement from the ranks that prepare the company for tomorrow.
- Confirming the achievement of those objectives to ensure food safety & quality, our management is fully committed to:
- Conform to the specified requirement.
- Comply with the local regulations and laws related to this industry.
- Emphasis at all times on quality.
- Provide system of employee’s involvement, motivation, and training.
- Share objectives with the suppliers and clients.
Developing the company image, pushing the workforce moral at all front and ensure trust in our products and services are some of our long term objectives.
Further we realize that human health and moral are deservedly objectives for our honest commitment to produce quality product and service.